Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So today I just feel like blogging. I had the day off today. BEE-U-TIFUL! There is this neat little coffee house down town on one of the side streets called Pergalozi (not sure if I spelled that right.. what's new) It is this old victorian house with a huge front porch and lots of trees and flowers and is just super quaint. I found myself a little spot in the corner under a tree where I could feel the breeze and not the sun. Which is good because I went to the pool yesterday for 45 minutes and I have major short tan lines! All I wanted was to relax under the sun because the sun is so great. I didn't want any sun, but by golly I got it! I have a feeling I am going to leave here a whole nother race. So watch out because you might miss me. haha.. just kidding.

A cool thing of the day: I am sitting doing my quiet time and a man comes and sits at a table next to me. He says "beautiful day." Next thing I know we are talking about his life and how we was born and raised in Santa Cruz. Then he proceeds to ask me about me and if I am student here. This is always the forward into, "I am here with Campus Crusade for Christ and we are here for the summer growing in our faith in Jesus and sharing it with those around us..." etc or something around those lines. Next he asks what I believe and just more about the Christian faith. I ended up talking with him for about an hour about what a relationship with the Lord looks like, the hardships I have gone through, and how the Lord is the only way to satisfy all the emptiness I have been trying to fill myself for the last 18 years. I shared the Knowing God Personally book we have and he was really appreciative. Overall it was a really great conversation as well as another opportunity God presented to me to trust in His Spirit filling to actually do the talking. I am merely a vessel.

The funny thing about this is that apparently this is how all my spiritual conversations get started: "Beautiful day." A couple of weeks ago I had walked to one of the lighthouses for quiet time again and a man was walking his dog and says to me, "Beautiful Day." Seriously! When I least expect it I tell ya! God is a man of surprises and doing things when we least expect it. So with the dog walking man after he says that, literally within a minute or two literally he is telling me of his life story and how he lost his daughter when she was 8, then his wife divorced him, and now he has been trying to find his way through life ever since. We also had a great conversation, one that really meant a lot to me.

So, Beautiful day isn't it :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Another week has come and gone. I know I am a little late in getting a new post up. Currently I am listening to a song by Hillsong United called "To Know Your Name". I encourage you to go to Youtube and search this song and listen. It is so powerful!
On Monday nights we have what we call Monday Night Live. This is a time when we have an emcee, our band plays, and we have a speaker. Anyone can come. This is one of the ways we outreach to people we meet or work with. I wanted to share what our speaker talked about this last Monday.

First here is the question: Do you just know God or do you EXPERIENCE him?

Good question right? I think so many of us know him more than experiencing him on the intimate level the Lord desires. I know I was one of these. I was more about following the do's and don't's of the Christian walk and was missing out on so so much.

"The church of North America has become so success oriented," writes Eugene Nida, "that we go from seminar to seminar on how to use God, but few are sitting in quiet holiness asking, 'How can God use me?'"

God made me and you so we would need him. God does not need me to speak to his lost children. He needs me to enjoy him. We are to learn from God, not be God.
John 15 talks about how we are merely branches. Branches. Branches are nothing fancy. God is the gardner and Jesus is the vine. As branches we are cut so we may be pruned and bear fruit. Even when we do not see the fruit, God is committed to lifting us up so we do not break. Our speaker used this illustration: Branches in the winter become brittle and if you are not careful when you pick up these branches they will just crumble. God does not let us crumble. When he prunes us, he picks us up with two mighty hands and gently lifts us up. Awesome right! Think about those times when you are in the dead, miserably cold winter and how beautiful it is to have the Lord bring light and warmth to your brittleness! God does not need me but he wants me!

In experiencing God, the Lord just asks that we participate in the dance he has already created. Christ is already here whether we acknowledge him or not. We are here to watch the beauty he is unfolding. God asks us to be his dance partner. We do not know where he is leading us but we know he is moving, so we follow. We follow in his grace and experience the most intimate dance man has ever seen.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thank you. Thank you to all my supporters who allowed me to follow God's prompting and take part in a summer full of the Lord. Coming into project I heard this will be the summer that changes your life and a time when you build lasting friendships and a lasting intimate relationship with the Lord. Well folks, that is exactly what it is. And it has only been two weeks. My friends, I am at a loss for words right now. The Holy Spirit is real and fills us to the full. Throughout this last week, all of you have crossed my mind and I so desperately wished we all could be here, hearing the Lord and experiencing all He is doing and wants in each of our lives! Guys He loves you! He wants us to surrender our whole lives to his majesty and TRUST him! Trust him with all you have. I all too often and easily forget how mighty our God is.

Let me forewarn that I do not know how to accurately articulate everything that has gone in within the last week so these will be thoughts and highlights -

Last night we went out on our second outreach opportunity. We divided into small groups of 3 and literally went out to the streets in Santa Cruz. My group's first conversation was with a community of homeless. Guys, I have heard about the "unique" people in Santa Cruz, and said to myself " O this is like Austin. I have heard about this. Nothing new." Well, after 2 hours last night it was as if these ideas of people choosing to be homeless, believing that our parents can be our oppressors, being angry with God, wanting to be "free" and one with the universe, etc.. became a reality finally. And I was hurt. I was hurt to know that these are not just ideas and practices people talk about but are a harsh reality that people somehow buy into. Guys people are lost. Jesus is needed so much! And this is what the Lord has called us to do, go out spread the Word.

This morning at church a missionary gave the sermon and it was really convicting and inspiring. His main point was that Jesus uses the "least of these". As the body of Christ we need to lower the bar and learn from the Word that God uses those we might least expect and is capable of transforming the hearts of the homeless hippies I encountered last night. My heart can break for them but my heart can rejoice because our Lord saves! Jesus uses those including the homeless hippies for his ministry. How awesome is that?! He can transform their hearts and bring them to him! Don't get me wrong, it is not that I had never heard these ideas before. But the Lord is bringing these truths down from my head and moving them into my heart. There is such joy in that and love! I desire to love the Lord with my heart, not just my mind. Despite growing up in the Church, I still felt I was missing an indescribable burning love for our Savior. And that is because God's word is more in my head than my heart. God is pulling me in though!

We just got back from girls night and let me tell you that to start of the night the boys came out of one of the rooms in a single file line singing my girl and each boy had a rose. After singing to each of us they escorted us to our cars! How precious is that?! So while we had girl's night, the boys had man time (haha). Girls talked about how loved and precious we are in God's eyes and how he wiped away everything. We struggle but we are not alone. We are precious in His sight and meant to be loved intimately by our Lord. Only He can fill any of the holes in us, whether that be attention from boys, love, weight, acceptance, or whatever. Only the Lord fills us and that my friends is something to sing praises for!

Anywho, I challenge all you lovely readers to dive into the word this week and learn about the awesome God we serve. Stop trying on your own. Surrender.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Master of the Cones

Alrighty first day on the job and the boardwalk is hoping my friends! I work for Whiting Foods which is a company with around 20 various food places around the boardwalk. One of the perks about my job is that I switch locations through out the week so I am not just at Pizza Hut all summer long. Because that would be boring. So today I started at Carousel Cones which, you guessed it, is all about ice cream. The beginning of the day began with more training which included learning how to make the perfect ice cream cone, which is harder than you would think. It took me and my friend Kelly around 10 trys or more and each time we looked at one another as we witnessed each perfectly good cone (well perfect not in looks wise but taste wise ) be thrown into the trash can. Not even a taste! A taste! If you ask me we should have been allowed to try it because I later had a woman ask me what was better and I sadly had to explain to her that it was my first day and I had never tasted anything. She was slightly disturbed by this and jokingly said she would write the manager so this no tasting thing could be fixed. haha. Anyways, past the ice cream.... It is awesome because leading up to our first training yesterday we have been told numerous times that people know when the Campus Crusaders ( or Crusaders) come into town. This is sooo true!

We showed up to work today and the others I was thankfully working with ( because often we don't work with people) knew we were with Crusade! They would say " so yall are the Crusaders right?" Then we would say yes and they would say "yaaayyy!!" After 20 years of Campus Crusade coming to Santa Cruz God has established quite a name for Himself and His ministry. Pretty cool huh?

Along with work training, we also started training yesterday and today on evangelism. Honestly yall, things are starting to click. God is bringing me to that breaking point I asked Him for at the beginning of spring semester. I asked Him to break me of the things that were not of Him and bring me into a new, deeper love for Him that I have never known and He is doing just that. It has been no easy task either. I am talking months He has been involved and continuing to lead me down this path. Which is awesome and I rejoice in that! Well most of the time, through the hurt there is still that small trumpet that plays. Where I am going with this is that God is displaying a bigger picture currently and it is not appealing to look at. This morning during my quiet time I was rejoicing in what He is showing me. But since the middle of training tonight I have found it hard and found myself not wanting to face it because nothing happens/changes instantly. Changes are made in God's timing but also made when we finally surrender and stop being the controlling, want to know everything, think we are angels, fearful, humans we are. You following me?

Here is the thing.

My action group leader, Kristen, recommend a book to me 2 days ago, The Prodigal God by Tim Keller. I started reading it and let me tell you, I am all up in that book! Tim writes about the parable of the lost or prodigal son and how the story is not just about the son who takes his inheritance and wastes it all only to return to his father's good graces. There is a whole other side to this story. The story about the son who stayed with his father and "did everything right". You see, that is me. I am the son who does everything right. And that my friends is a really tough place to be. To know that you are the proud, selfish son is a great thing to recognize, and it is not to say I didn't recognize this, I did, but not like this. It is like all the sudden it clicked. I mean really clicked.

-This is completely random and a different topic - I don't think I can even explain what just happened in my room with my awesome roommates.

Mary Gordon aka MG - " So I bought two of them. And now we have friendship cacti. Like it is not everyday that that happens." ... a little later... "they are certified! This ends in September 2011"

us - "what does that mean?!"

MG - " You can't travel with them!"

BAHAHAHAHHHAHAHA I was crying yall!! I know you don't understand.

Back to my seriousness for a wrap up after that short intermission... Yall I need your prayers and your encouragement. God has placed me here for a reason, some which He is revealing now. But I know there is more to come. And I am thrilled!! The process is just hard and God never said it would be easy. I know this was long and slightly all over the place but I am so grateful for all of you. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


First day in Santa Cruz happened yesterday and I am proud to say that it went pretty swell! A couple of things that stand out so far:
- There are sea lions! Did you know there are sea lions here?! No, I had no idea! They are fabulous. Big, fat seals that make a lot of noise especially when you get close to them. So word to wise, don't.
- On the same note as sea lions, there is an abundance of marine life that we Texans do not have in the lovely Gulf of Mexico. This would include one my favorites, Sea Otters! We saw one this morning after our run floating on its back and it was the cutest little thing! At the same time this morning we saw dolphins, sea lions, were told there are whales farther out in the ocean, and saw bright orange star fish! Lets just say the Pacific Ocean has a lot more to offer!
- The weather here is fabulous! Yesterday when we arrived it was probably 80 degrees and give me a big hurray for no humidity! At about 7ish when the sun started to set it dropped about 20 degrees. It gets chilly here that is for sure. A girl also told me that rain is supposedly pretty rare here so that is exciting.
- The whole town reminds me of Austin. Very hippie, organic, bum, free spirited and I love it.

God is definitely going to rock my world this summer. I am not sure what that is going to look like but I am excited to find out. The people he has called to this project are a special group of us and I can not wait to find out more about them and get close to them. Everyone right now is talking about the 10-15 pounds people on project supposedly gain. So in loo (sp?) of that pretty much the whole project woke up between 7:30-8:30 to go run or walk. We had several groups to choose from depending on your wok out preference. We had the fast 4 milers, the 2.5 mile runners who went downtown, which was me, and then the walking group. It was great. We also had some solo-ers. It was a really nice run but we shall see how long this running goes with the whole group haha.

Well you may be wondering why I named my blog Vera La Cruz. This past weekend I was at the Christian book store and bought one of those fish or cross thingys for your car. However this was a new one I had not seen before. It was called Vera la Cruz which means "see the cross" in spanish. I loved it! You know me all about the espanol :) So this design for this car sticker thing is a silver christian fish (which I can not spell the name of course) and then the tail has a cross that is gold. It is very spiffy. Anyways.. when I was coming up with a name for my blog earlier this morning I didn't just want my name or something boring and the car sticker came to mind! So here we are Vera la Cruz! :) I like it

I am actually pretty glad I listened to Diana Urbanovsky and then the others after who encouraged me to start a blog. At first my thoughts were that I would not be able to keep up with it or that I didn't really have the personality for a good blog, but I think I am going to like this. This is going to give me a great outlet for sharing my faith and what the Lord is doing in my life. So thanks to all of you who have supported me and encouraged me not only to blog, but for this summer project, and in my daily life and walk with Christ.

Please continue to pray for me and this entire group and project. Prayers mean everything and the encouragement means more than you know. O and if you want to send me loving mail here is the address:
Lauren Davenport
Campus Crusade for Christ
Peter Pan Motel
313 Riverside Avenue
Santa, Cruz, CA 95060
Much appreciated! :)