Wednesday, April 10, 2013

back to blogging

Well I am back. It hit today during my time with the Lord that I love to write and share what I am learning with the Lord. So I am getting back to blogging. Why only blog when I am out of the country or doing some type of mission work? Everyday should be lived on mission. The Lord is constantly teaching me things whether I am sitting in international microeconomics, talking with friends or hearing a talk at Cru. I want to share those things. I want to encourage others that there is something greater worth living worth and it is worth chasing after. When I sit down in the Word I journal the passages of scripture I am reading with my reflections and prayers. a little plug - if you don't journal I would highly recommend it!

The blogs I will be posting will come directly from my prayer journal. I pray they encourage you and bring you into a deeper intimacy with our creator and Father.

Recently I have been going through Philippians. Today's post comes from Philippians 2:14-15, Matthew 5:14-16 and Ephesians 5:8-14.

Lord we are to be light in the darkness; a city on a hill. You have exposed me to the light and now I see. You have given us the ministry of reconciliation which means leading others into the light, exposing the darkness that covers their eyes. You have given me so many tools through Cru and life here in Arkansas and abroad to be a light shining for you but I haven't been taking full advantage of those tools. We, your children, shine like starts in the universe! I am feeling a little dull Lord. I want to shine brightly Father!

Paul reminds us in Ephesians to expose the fruitless deeds of the darkness. For me, that means speaking up more. I am quiet. Quietness can easily be taken as approval for those living in darkness. It's not that I should start being overly boisterous, condemning people or being rude in calling them out. There is a Christ loving way to do that. Me not saying anything does not show them love either. Holy Spirit awake the truths, convictions and emotions within me that reflect the Lord and His light. God you created us with emotions because  we are created in your image and you have emotions. Your heart aches for the lost. I pray Holy Spirit my heart wouldn't turn cold to the injustices, darkness and lust of this world. Set a fire within me all of my days Holy Spirit that would cause me to act, to expose the darkness in this world!

I pray I wouldn't sit back idol, tolerating or accepting the deeds of the lost but instead point them to Christ. I pray for boldness Spirit. Boldness to speak, to answer and talk about you when someone asks how I am, what I have been up to or says something I don't agree with. Spirit I pray I would do this all in an attitude reflective of Christ. I pray you would lead me through the conversation, giving me the worlds but more than anything the courage to speak, to act to expose the darkness. "We want something that is different, we have to do something that is different." - Christine Caine

Just like David with Goliath. David didn't wait for you to say "go kill Goliath and do it with 5 stones." No. David saw how Goliath and the other Philistines were acting and speaking out against you. David was stirred to move. He saw darkness and acted to expose it. He didn't wait for any green light. He acted, stepping out in faith,  knowing you would be with him. That is what I want Lord.
To move. To act.
Not to wait for signs and arrows. 
To see injustice. 
To see darkness and act on it. 
Spirit I am a new creation in Christ, with you living within me. May I walk in the light and power of the cross, the new creation I am and lead people to the light. In Christ's name,


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