Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Well folks I am not even sure what to write. In 2 weeks I will be home in Richmond, Texas welcomed by the heat and humidity, quite the contrast to the winter that has already begun here. I have already broke out the pea coat yall! I should also add that as I write this I am listening to my HOGS playing baseball at the super regional finals as they make their way to Omaha! We have a special saying for this - OmaHOGS!!! wooo pig! I have to say it is kinda weird listening this... it has been so long. I decided this is good practice to start readjusting haha.

I really can't believe I am really leaving. It is finally my time. After seeing countless students come and go through their respective study abroad times it is actually time for the 10 monther, aka me, to go home too. I don't feel like I am leaving yet but I have also been focused on finishing school and taking advantages of  my last moments here. Today I am happy to report that I finished one of my classes! Wahoo! By this time next week I figure I will be running all over the city to see friends, do last minute errands and visit the last places on my list. So I thought it would be appropriate to call this my last argentine blog. The truth is I can't sum up my experience in a few sentences. I don't even think I could do that in one blog. There has been so many wonderful experiences, memories, friendships, lessons, opportunities, and adventures. I loved my time here. It is still hard for me to believe that I even had this opportunity and am actually here! Sometime in middle school I learned of my Aunt Sara's study abroad to germany in college. I have always looked up to her and needless to say when I heard she went abroad I wanted to do the same thing. From middle school onward I awaited the day I too would be soaking up the rich culture of a latin country, learning one of the romantic languages and taking new adventures. And the time has come and gone! I am here! I am here in Argentina preparing myself to end a dream that started a long time ago.
Cosas de locos pero cuan grande es nuestro SeƱor no!?
I am a huge believer in that our true desires and passions come from the Lord. When we chose to fall him and put his will first he dosen't forget about those passions. He was the one who put them there. He knows where we can best serve him and he will lead us down paths of righteousness where he sees to it that those dreams are fulfilled. My desire was not originally to do missions while studying abroad. My dream was not even to study abroad for a year! The Lord did that. He started off small back in middle school with the desire to just go abroad and learn spanish. Then somewhere in high school he put Argentina on my heart. After entering college and having a personal encounter with the Lord, my relationship with the Lord went down a whole new path. Then it was him who spoke saying, "Lauren go Argentina for a year but you are not just going to study abroad. I have something else for you."

It is absolutely spectacular to look back and see and how the Lord has brought me to Libertador 6255, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is always moving. Always working. Yes, it is sad to be leaving; to know that my this time I have been dreaming of forever has actually come and gone. But equally it does not mean that this is the end. In turn it is still just the beginning. With the Lord it is never the end. Who knows where He will bring me next. What I do know is that I will continue to follow him and He will get me there.

I am excited to be coming home. I am excited to see all of you! I am excited to spend time with my family for a bit before heading back off to Hog heaven. I am excited to share this year with you all in much more detail!! The Lord has been so faithful and totally deserves all the glory. I so have appreciated all the support you all have given not only this year but in years past as well. I pray you have been equally blessed through your giving and have grown in your walk with the Lord. As for a few more announcements, in regards to ministry here, when I first got here I wrote that the Agriculture campus where I would be serving was lacking a girl's movement. I am happy to announce that throughout this semester the Lord has greatly developed the girl's movement on AG! We have seen 4 girls come to know the Lord! The movement as a whole has also continued to grow and has taken some huge steps of faith. The Lord has definitely be at work. It has been so wonderful to see how the body of believers works together all over the globe. Thanks for being a part of that! Praise be to the Father!

Well my flight leaves June 24 at 9:30 pm and I roll up into Houston bright and early the next morning. We are talking 6:30ish am people. I am so glad my family loves me :) I would love to catch up with you all and tell you more about Argentina and the year the Lord gave me! Don't hesitate to ask! :D

Until the 25th, Howdy Texas y chau a Argentina.

ps. just in case you were wondering OMAHOGS! We are going to the college world series!

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