Philippines 2:17-18, 4:4 I Thessalonians 3:7-13
Lord God your word is alive.
There are so many questions I should ask myself as I read and study the living word.
Yet it is so easy to take it only at face value.
Pull me deeper into the word Spirit.
Help me to ask good questions to myself and to others.
Father thank you for seeing Christ when you see me. I truly am so far from holy without Christ. I don't like to think about it or admit it but it is so true. Thank you for not expecting perfection from me. Or rather for expecting it but realizing I can't achieve perfection.
Thank you for making a way for me - for all of us!
Jesus thank you for fulfilling God's plan to reconcile God's people for his glorious name's sake.
Jesus I wouldn't have wanted to leave heaven. To leave the creator and Father of all, to be here on earth with us nasty sinners. We think this place is beautiful because we know nothing else. Heaven has nothing on Earth.
Your creativity, thoroughness and precision astounds me Lord. You are so wise in all you do. You are the greatest planner of all time. You never cease to amaze me with what you have planned for me.
Lord I want so badly to please you, to do everything perfect down to a T. I so easily let myself get engulfed in the minute details and am paralyzed to make a move out of fear it's not in line with your plan.
The glorious thing I am reminded of by the Spirit is that you work with me and the decisions I make. You impart wisdom. Furthermore, you don't see me anyways! You see Christ!
Jesus this is so hard to fathom! But thank you thank you for following through with God's redemptive plan, dying for us so we could be seen as holy, when you so easily could have said no.
Holy Spirit may my heart never become cold to what Christ did for us.
May Jesus' death never become old news.
May it always bring life to my soul, to my day and excite me to no end!
Spirit continue to transform my mind and knowledge of the Gospel so it would sink down deep within me.
Paul, in Philippines and 1 Thessalonians, lives in the daily excitement and recognition of Christ. l In 1 Thessalonians, Timothy and Paul give a wonderful example of how we can pray for those we are grooming in the faith. Furthermore, they show us that we truly live when we are leading others to Christ and the glory of God! Seeing others grow in their faith supplies Paul and Timothy with all the joy and reason to continue being persecuted and in prisoned for the faith. Nothing brought Timothy or Paul greater joy and purpose in life than seeing others transformed by the powerful death of Christ. How encouraging is that! That is what they lived for! When I look back at my college years, leading girls on campus, whether through bible study, being an RA, one-on-one discipleship, being intentional in conversation and creating community or just being someone they could walk through life with, was the most rewarding and life giving way to spend my four years. I loved it!
I loved pouring into them and seeing them grow. Lord thank you for the opportunity to watch a group of girls enter college and grow for the last three years. My heart comes alive seeing them standing stronger and in worship of the Lord. That is what I live for. It has been the greatest source of purpose and joy. I had no idea this is what the Lord offers us. But is it not amazing what He does when we follow him?
Lord no matter where I go, what I do, I pray I would never stop leading others to you through Christ. Provide ways, opportunities, courage, patience, prayer and people Spirit.
Spirit help me to communicate this to those around me and mobilize them to invest in the lives of others. Speak to the hearts of the thousands of Christians who are satisfied with knowing you and only living for themselves.
I pray for revival Spirit.
Awaken out hearts.
Show us the glory of the Lord.
In Jesus name,
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