Boys listen up!
One of the things Campus Crusade (aka CRU) is big on doing is creative dates. Last year at school we had one, other students on project had them at their school, etc...Well here on project is no different. Each room is called an action group and those are the people you have Bible study with each week and honestly the people that become your best friends. So each guy action group was instructed to ask a girl action group out on a creative date. So fun right?
Last Friday at lunch the boys who had our room came out and sang us a song, that they wrote themselves, to ask us out! And this was no hoky song either. They sang really well together and everyone knew the words and it was great! I have a video of them singing it again that I will try to post. Ok, so they asked us last Friday and we were so excited! They were so excited to have our group of girls which made us even more excited. Now, while they had mentioned some of the things we would be doing in the song they sang us, they were still be secretive.
Last night was the big night.
We started at 4 in the afternoon. First thing on the agenda was lazer tag. Then a few arcade games to buy some time, which we didn't know why at first, so with the arcade tickets we won we got spongebob tattoos, stick on earrings, and chinese handcuffs for the entire group. Yes, the boys were sporting stick on earrings. Then we proceeded back to the Pan (aka the peter pan motel which we are staying at) to get the cars. As we walked to the Pan we had paired off and had put our fingers in the chinese handcuffs with one of the guys. We deemed this the new trend in Christian dating. Chinese handcuffs eliminate the awkward hand holding hahaha (not that we would actually be holding hands, it was just a joke)
Now we are back at the Pan. Time to head off to the unknown destination. First stop TOGO's for dinner. We order our sandwiches to go as instructed and pile back into the car. We drive for about 15 minutes, exit the freeway and drive through a pretty neighborhood. The road then T's off and straight in front of us is a gorgeous beach shining through some huge and beautiful trees. We make our way from the cliff down a path to the actual beach and it is picture perfect. Not many people, pretty sand and if you look to your left you see Monterey, to the right Santa Cruz. Pretty Sweet.
The rest of the night proceeds with dinner, flying kites, exploring, making a fire with smores and banana boats, the boys playing guitar and singing songs, telling stories, star tipping, and taking glow sticks, breaking them open and splatter painting the sand! The sand looked sooo awesome!! The guys continued the surprises by bringing us all our favorite candies and then even after we pull back up to the Pan at midnight they tell us they will be right back, they have one more surprise. They come knock on our door about 20 minutes later and have a picture frame for each of us with the group picture we took that day on the beach! These boys made us feel so special and it was probably one of the best nights on project. O and to top it off before we left the beach to come back one of them prayed us out. How awesome is that?! Needless to say we love the boys of room 60. They put so much thought and planning into our date and nailed creative right on the nail.
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