1) There was an explosion. An ice cream explosion. Here was just another normal day at work making a chocolate dipped ice cream cone for a lovely gentleman when I go to use the ice cream machine, pull the lever, and BOOM! Ice cream is everywhere! All over my face, all in my hair, up and down my legs and arms, covering my shirt and shorts. It had to be the funniest thing! Priceless. Not to mention there is a line outside forming to get ice cream and I am now covered in it. Hahahahaha It was great. Please just picture vanilla ice cream all over me and tell me you are not laughing.
2) I also had an encounter with money. So this particular day I am working with someone. (I know, with people! Not just me, it is a miracle haha just kidding) So I am working with this girl for the first time and we had just had a conversation on counterfeit money and what you do if you get one, and what her experience was when she thought she got one once. Small talk you know. Anywho, then she proceeds to take her 30 minute break. Literally within 5 minutes of her being gone two ladies order and hand me a 20. This 20 was definitely not looking legit. I held it up to the light to see the president's face and there wasn't one. Ok first red flag. But it had the censor strip sooo what am I to do? I couldn't decide if it was fake or not so I was kinda slow to ring them up and what not as I contemplated. The girl I was working with had told me to call the supervisor and make up some excuse that my register wasn't working while the super heads over to check it out. Well since I wasn't really sure if it was fake or not I decided instead that I would just make a good mental note about what these two ladies looked like. Again, right after they leave, the girl I was working shows up for something she forgot and I tell her about the possible counterfeit. Here is where it starts getting epic. She looks at the bill and says" This is totally fake. I am calling Louise. (the super)" I am starting to laugh and get excited because there is ACTION going down! Louise comes and says it is real. It was just an old 20 so it isn't made like the new ones. But wait, then runs in 4 security officers. O great. My head shoots down and I am just chuckling (I mean you have to laugh) at the fact that I just said I had a counterfeit and 4 security guards just came. You may be thinking this shouldn't be a funny matter but you would have to understand the atmosphere in which all of this took place. It is not like I was the only one laughing. We all were. I was just the fool and the one being laughed at. Good times.
So now moving on to just some fun stories.
1) Surfing. Yep I can say that I have surfed in the great state of California and in one of the most famous surfing cities in the world. Santa Cruz. Last Friday me, Lauren (my roommate who happens to be fabulous and such a God sent), and Charlie go out at 7:30 to surf. So stinking fun! I had surfed once before in Costa Rica and was able to get up. However this was with my dad pushing me into the waves. This time I was without dad. Now I had to paddle fast enough to get myself into the wave. At first this was presenting some challenges. I was so close every time but I was barely missing them. Then I got the hang of it. Surfs up. I was doing it. The place we were surfing however is like bumper surfing. People everywhere! The last couple of waves I tried to catch I was knocked off by some little kids. Literally insane the masses that crowd the waters pretty much daily. But totally worth it. O and did I mention I was in a wet suit! 50 degree water! Lets just say after about 2 hours the wet suit, although fabulous and miraculous, still leaves you saying "I am a bit nippy".
2) My final story to tell is one that involves you golf lovers and Clint Eastwood fans. My friend Stu's birthday was last Monday and he is a huge Clint Eastwood fan. For his special day he wanted to go down to Carmel to eat at Clint's restaurant. Let me tell you I fell in love with Carmel. It is so sticking cute! Clint's restaurant, Hog's Breath, was really really good. It had a great atmosphere. If my camera was not a piece I would post pictures on here to show you. Soon enough you will see them though. After lunch we drove down the 17 mile drive which starts right next to Carmel in, you guessed it, Pebble Beach! Now I am no serious golf fan but for some reason I was just super pumped to see this! AWESOME! Tiger you need to get your act together brother because you are one lucky man to be able to play there. It was absolutely beautiful! ahhh just wait till you see the pics although they don't even do it justice. So naturally while doing all of this I had to call my dad and brag. haha love ya dad :)
There you have it. A small glimpse of a few of the things that have been going down. But those are only the minor ones. SO SO MUCH is happening and God has His hand in everything! I could never write about what all He is doing. And my blog would never do it justice. Heck I barely can do these little stories justice.
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